Thursday, April 7, 2011


This week in sociology we discussed what makes us who we are, is it Nature or is it Nurture. In my opinion I think that we are who we are taking a lit bit of both Nature and Nurture ( but leaning I bit more towards Nurture) . Nature covers the biological factor of the human (what we are born with), and Nurture covers what we are taught, what we learn from out surroundings. 

EX. I have a little cousin who is really outgoing and talented at sports, she is really straight forward. Both my uncles are per say shy. Both of them like to keep to themselves and don't like to have confrontations with people. I think that my little cousin learn to be outgoing from his surroundings (Nurture) instead of his biological inheritance (Nature). My cousin is currently ten years old, when she was seven, she started to play sports (soccer) (she is really good). I think that she learn to be more outgoing from being involve in sports  and socializing with other kids her own age.  I think that many people learn from viewing and mimicking what others around them do ( kind of like observational learning). 

   On Thursday we read some articles that I found to be a bit misleading and not completely telling the truth.  The article that I found to be the most misleading was the one that said that starting school early was bad for your child.  I find it to be misleading because I have a younger cousin that only benefited from going to school at an early age.  He is currently five years old, he started going to school at the age of three.  At the age that he is right now I think that he is really smart.  He can name you different shapes, colors, numbers, letters, he can also do a little bit of math and read (add and subtract) and he can do all of does things in both English and Spanish.  He is also really social, he has no problems making friends. Currently he is in kindergarten and he really likes, he said that its his favorite part of the day.  This is why I believe that the article that stated that  having your kid start school early, is not real accurate.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that those articles you all read in class got your minds working and thinking about examples from your own lives :)
