Thursday, March 24, 2011


Wonder who makes the best parties, the Greeks or the Italians? 

SPRING BREAK:   Spring Break is coming up and all my friends are excited, yet no ones stops to think the that means that we are only a couple of months away from becoming Seniors, which means that we only have about one more year of High School :(. If 11:11 is real than I wish that my junior year wouldn't end so quickly. Life as a High School student sure is fun, but I know that once you cross the senior year age, fun ends and a new beginning awaits .....................    But still this spring break should be fun, I may go to a wedding ( should be interesting and scary, family weddings get a bit scary, interesting and out off control), o well you can't pick your family ( lol ). Hope that its fun.................

This week in sociology we watched the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, the movie was really weird yet it was also really realistic to what happens in real life when two different cultures come together and unavoidably experience culture shock.  When my parents got married, their wasn't that much of a difference in culture since their both from Mexico, but when one of my uncle got married with someone from America ( my uncle was also from Mexico), thats where one could see the big difference in cultures. 
 My mom's side of the family loved to party, they would have a party for just about any reason, it could be something as small as passing 2nd grade to celebrating for an anniversary.  My uncle ( from my mom's side of the family) is the youngest of 15, since he was the youngest, everyone was expecting a final  big wedding. All his siblings by this time were happily married and they have  had a Big Fat Mexican Wedding ( lol ). In my mom's side of the family, weddings were of the most importance, every detail had to be noted and taken into consideration, their was no room for errors, basically my mom's side of the family was crazy when it came to weddings, to them weddings were sacred bonds that would last forever.  On the other hand, my future to be aunt, didn't see the wedding the way that my family saw it. My future aunt had only one sibling, she said that her sisters wedding was small and it wasn't made into such an exaggeration,or at least as much as my family, and that was the way that she wanted. My future aunt wanted to have a very limited invite list for the church ceremony and she wanted their to be a maximum of 100 people at the after party. My grandparents weren't to please with the idea of having a small wedding, to them a wedding was something special that needed to be shared by all your love ones, which included cousins, siblings, aunts, uncles, second cousins, and ect. When it came down to the day of the wedding, things had been changed, the soon to be wife was convince to do a wedding the way that my grandparents had dreamed of making it. In the end, the wedding was AMAZING, a lot of family showed up at the church ceremony ( some people had to stand ), the limit that aunt placed for the after party was almost tripled. Overall the wedding was amazing and everybody enjoyed it, the best part is that its even almost 20 years since the wedding and people are still talking about it. 

 I wonder if when I get married, my wedding will turn out to be something as amazing as the wedding that my aunts and uncles have had. 

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