Thursday, April 14, 2011


Wow, not going to class for two days can really leave someone speechless.  

   Today we made a project that made me really confused, the project was that we were suppose to take stereotypes that people had on genders and switch them.  I think that this project could surely open the ideas of people that still hang to the same stereotypes.  In the past stereotypes were part of the taboos that kept people (or in this case man and woman) in their place in regards of what they could and couldn't do.   In the past, stereotypes were viewed with more seriousness than they do at this time. In todays world, many stereotypes that people had of one another have slowly started to fade away.  Many people don't have the time to think of such things.  

   A well known stereotype that is directed towards woman is that they are suppose to stay home and cook, take care of the children, and clean the house.  People in the past were really closed minded.  Families today need both the mom and dad to be working in order to be well put in society.  In my family, both my mom and dad work in order to give a good life to my siblings and I.  All of my aunts whether they are in Mexico or here in America,  they are all working.  In todays fast pace, parents, both moms and dads need to work, need to  earn some money in order to keep up with societies needs.  

  A well known stereotype that is directed towards man is, how they aren't suppose to show any emotion, and how they are the only ones that are suppose to put food on the table.  I think that this stereotype is really dumb because its prohibiting people from expressing their emotions and this stereotype eventually is passed down from generation to generation.  At a school that I went to for my job, a kid started to cry( kid was 6, boy, Hispanic) because someone was calling him names.  The kid went to the dad and the dad told him to stop crying, to be a man and to stop crying.  The kid got even worse and started to cry even more.  After the dad left I asked him why he kept on crying and he said that his dad didn't love him because he wouldn't stop crying.  

I think that stereotypes are useless and pointless.  It doesn't matter if one is a male or a female, one should be able to do anything that they want.  I think that in todays society, stereotypes of the past have started to diminish while other new stereotypes have started to arouse.  Some of the new stereotypes seemed to be worse than the ones that people had back than.  

I hope that in some near future, stereotypes would cease to exist since they don't really serve a good purpose other than to draw pointless boundaries that affect people both emotionally, mentally, and physically.    

1 comment:

  1. I feel horrible for that little boy. This is where harm comes from gender roles being too strict.
