Wednesday, March 9, 2011

America is.........................

  My first choice is money since America is seen as a place that revolves around money. Money is on everyone's mind from little kids to adults.  People in America see money as their only way to live a good life.  I have a big extended family which the majority is of little cousins, and all they wanted for Christmas was money. Without money Americans couldn't pay for the new ipad, or the new droid, for fast food, or for an education.

  America now a days is so addicted to electronics especially cell phones. For my job I have to work with kids, and kids no older than 10 already have newest version of the ipod  and  they also already have a cell phone.  When I was their age cell phones weren't even seen on kids younger than high school students, now a days I walk past my old Elementary school and I see just about every kid with a cell phone or an ipod.  I think that if one electronics were to all of a suden disappear, the people of today would go nuts. Now a days, America depends on electronics for everything. Americans have computers to replace books, they have texting instead of sending letters by mail, they have T.Vs to replace going to an oprah show ( like the singing not the person). America today is addicted to electronics.

 America is a place where slowness is not allowed, were the slow get trampled on.  America is all about having everything fast, they want fast jobs, fast food,fast internet, fast new products.  America has no patience. Recently, fast food business has increase dramatically over a couple of years. Just about ten years ago Americans spent about $110 billion on fast food.  On average an American will eat a fast food meal at least three times every two weeks.  Fast food has taken over peoples lives. 

   The American culture revolves a lot around sports. Their are a lot of baseball fans, Football fans, soccer fans, volleyball fans, basket ball fans, fans for every sport ever invented. It doesn't matter what sport it is because America just loves them all.  People in America get really hyped up when two big rivals compete against one another or when a big game is coming up. America recently passed true a big game, the Super Bowl. When the Super Bowl was aired on live T.V, it was said to have been the most watched show on T. V. in a long time (or something like that).

  America is a place that is well known for its school.  Education is an important part of the American culture.  My mom first came to  America with a study visa. She came here to study and try and strive for a good future. Now my mom is pushing me and my siblings to get an education and to go to college and work hard to get a degree on something.  Education is in every Americans mind, probably more now days given the economical problems.

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