Friday, May 20, 2011


I want to start by saying my condolences to families of the victims.......................

Well I can surely say that this week was the most interesting week I have had in a long time, I mean come on we went to jail and saw a trial without breaking any norms or being deviant or being members of the trial it self.  Honestly I didn't think that jail was so bad, I thought that it was going to be way worse. I think that all the negative propaganda involving jail got to my head a bit to much.  The trial was something else, something almost unrealistic.  I still can't believe that people are allowed to go to trials like that, as if it was an invitation to snoop on other people's business. Just in general, I think that Tuesday was a day to remember. 

To start with, I only went to one trial the whole time that I was at the Dupage County Court .  The trial that I attended involved a double murder.  The murder was Gary Shuning.  The murder killed both his mom (Doris) and an "escort" that he hired.  According to sources, Gary killed his mom after alledgely having an argument with her.  He killed his mom by giving her multiple stabs all over her body and almost cutting her head off. When Doris was found, she was found with a blank covering her up.  After having killed his mom, Gary still had the nerve to steal his mom's credit card and hire the escort (he called for more than one escort, but only one was killed)  Gary's escort was in roughly the same condition.  The escort was also stabbed multiple times, and she was found half naked.  When policeman arrived at the scene of the crime, they found two dead bodies and multiple blood stains all over the house.  The policeman didn't find any signs of forced entries.

The policeman would have never known about the crime if it hadn't been for the escort that was invaded into the house by Gary. A couple escorts entered the house, and only one didn't make out alive.  The escort was killed by Gary after being stabbed multiple times.   Gary killed the escort because she found knives that were covered with blood.   I can only imagine the fear that ran through both Gary's and the escorts body when she found the knives filled with blood.  I would imagine that Gary killed the escort fearing that she would call the police and fearing that he would have to go to jail for his actions.  Before being killed, the escort made a called to her pimp telling him about the situation that she got her self into.  The pimp ended the call with the escort and called the pollice.  Minutes later, the police arrived at the scene of the crime.  The only thing that the police found were two dead bodies and Gary pleading his defense.  

I  can only hope that Gary is found guilty for his actions and is sentence to life in prison.  I find it unrealistic to hear that someone killed their mom, to have killed the peron that gave life to you, a person of your own blood. 

P.S.  The pimp got deported back to his home ( I think that it was in Africa somewhere)

Moving on to something a bit less depressing, JAIL.  Like I mention before, I didn't find the jail to be as bad as people said that it would be.  I would have to agree that prison is not a place where I would wish to be.  The down side of being in prison is that you are stripped to nearly having nothing with you, one has no privacy, and I imagine that the food is nowhere near the food at portillos or bufallo wild wings, or even good old home cook meals.  The policeman that taught us little bit more about jail, prisoners,etc. was a cool guy ( even though he picked at me, lol) one could see that he was really trying to educate us a bit more on the justice system, especially jails.  He definatly taught me some new things that I didn't know before ( its not like if I knew a lot about jails, and the process that a prisoner has to go through).  I found it interesting how policeman have to catogeries the prisoners into about three different categories.  I also didn't know that if a prisoner was in extremely bad health, he was taken to a hospital, I thought tha a doctor was taken to the jail were the prisoner was being held. 

Eating ouside of a jail and a court was something that I have never done, and I can honestly say that it was an interesting experience that I would definetly do again.  I felt a bit ackward having people stare at you while they were passing by and we were eating, talk about ackward.  To bad the weather wasn't coaporating.

Folkway:  I think that we broke a folkway when we were eating outside and everybody was looking at us as they passed by us.  ( I wish that their would have been some more people doing it, it would deminish the ackwardness a bit)

Law: Gary broke a law by killing two people.

Taboo:  Gary not only broke a law but also a taboo.  He broke a taboo by hiring escorts and than killing one of them. He also tried to

Nature:  I think that violant video games, movies, and T.V shows contributed to an increase in the probability in him killing someone.  ( probably wanting to know how it felt)

Felony:  I think that Gary's case should be consider a felony since he killed two people and he almost killed himself. 

1 comment:

  1. Can you pull any other deviance vocab into the experience?
    And I feel bad that the picnic lunch outside the court was awkward :) I'm glad you were a trooper!
