Thursday, February 17, 2011


This week, sociology was packed with a bunch of vocabulary words.  My favorite word was role since it is  easy to remember and because their are billions of examples that one can use to describe the word. All of a sudden I started to think of as many roles that I witness on a daily bases, and also the important ones, that is when I realized that the world needs both good and bad roles. In order for the role of a doctor to work, he will need sick people, in order for policeman to do their job, they need criminals, in order for a teacher to teach, their needs to be student.  Its disappointing  to realize that their is a need for bad people in this world.

All my life, I have alwasy know what I wanted to be when I grew up, and that was to become a teacher and a social worker ( elementary school teacher).  Even when I was little I had my mind set on becoming a teacher and a social worker because I knew that I wanted to help kids stay of the streets and to live a good life, even to this day I still have the same goal in mind. Its sad to hear on T. V. how a 14 year old boy got shoot just because he was involved in the wrong stuff, because he was a neglected kid, he was bullied, he wasn't cared for, he didn't find confort in anyone. Its sad to hear that now a days stories like that seem to occur more frequently.

Thats why when I grow up, I wanna try and make a difference and give kids an alternative, a motive to stay of the streets and try and live a good life. My goal for when I grow up is to take on the role of a teacher and a social worker along with other secondary roles that will  some day help kids have the life that every person on Earth should have.

 ( and later on adults too, but most importantly children, they are the future after all )

Thursday, February 3, 2011

# 3

This week was the best week in a long time because we had two snow days in a row ( that must be a world record ).  This week in sociology we learned about theft and what determines whether the thief will get away with it, or if he will be stopped by the good civilians surrounding the victim.  Their are many variables that determine whether or not a theft will be stopped. The victims age, looks, gender, race, the item that is being stolen and the thief's appearance, play a big role in determining whether the theft will be a success or not.

My brother and I went to Portillos on Thursday to conduct an experiment ( my uncle is the manager and he was ok with it ) ( we entered at different times).  The experiment that we conduct was something similar to the experiment that we saw in class. In the first attempt, I was the victim and my brother was the thief.  I Left the table where I was sitting and went to the bathroom, leaving my phone and wallet out in the open.  When I got back to my table, two costumers came up to me and told me that I should be more careful where I leave my stuff because someone had tried to steal them. Before leaving, my brother and I told the good customers that it was all just a school assignment ( they were a bit skeptical).   I was surprise that people actually stopped the theft from succeeding even though I didn't try to have a conversation with anyone.

On the Second experiment, my sister and I went to McDonnalds to conduct the same experiment, this time my sister was the victim and I was the thief.  The results of this expirement were the same as the ones at Portillos, customers stopped me from stealing her phone and purse ( I was scared for my life, I thought that I was going to get beat up ).  When she came out she got a lecture, and we had to tell them that we were just doing a homework assignment.

P.S. The customers took it seriously so I was a bit scared. 

At the end of the day, both theft's were stopped and I finally came to a conclusion, that no matter what happens, Earth still has some good people. That makes me feel a bit more safe.