Thursday, January 27, 2011


`This week in Sociology, we looked at some very important sociologist.  The sociologist that I found to be the most interesting was Herbert Spencer and his theory of " survival of the fittest" and  that  poor people must remain poor and that rich people must always be rich ( or something like that).  In my opinion, I think that Spencer hit the spot with both of does theories.  It's sad to realize that both his theories are true, that both of his theories actually explain the way that society is at this very moment and how it will be in the future, It's sad to realize the that is the way that things will always work. 
                   It doesn't matter what I do, or where I am, I always found an example of Spencer's theory (" survival of the fittest"). Not so long ago, we came across the idea that the world was going to end on 2012 ( I personally don't think that the world will end ). I started to wonder, what if the world was going to end ?, who would survive such a tragedy ?, who would be saved and who would be left to save the extinction of humans?. The way that people are looking right now, I think that a lot of people will not survive.  It's obvious that if something that catastrophic was to happen, it would make the gov. make some very tough decisions.  Their are a lot obese people in the world, and in order to prevent the extinction of people, the gov. will have to select the fittest people ( both physically and mentally)  in order to ensure the survival of humans.
                  When I went to mexico last summer, I saw a lot of sad things.  I saw people sleeping in parks with their belongings because they were poor and didn't have anywhere to go, I saw people looking half dead asking for some money so that they could have something to eat.  It's sad how much poor people have to suffer. It's sad how their are rich people that try to ignore the fact that they could do something to help out the people in need. I am disappointed at the fact that Spencers theory that poor people need to stay poor and that rich people need to stay rich in order for society to function is actually true. If everybody in the world was to be rich than their wouldn't be anyone working, but if everyone was poor, than no one would be able to consume products, so the society needs both the poor and the rich even if the poor have to suffer more for it ):

I hope that someday, somewhere, someone can prove Spencer wrong, and give the world another option at how society can function. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Who am I?

HI.  Im Jose.  I am currently a junior. I am a shy a person that respects others.   My favorite class so far is English. After school I go to work, so their is no time for anything fun. My family is a big influence on me. I am very close to my family, my parents taught me to be patient and to be honest. My favorite sport is volleyball.